The cooperation with Lianfa Bag from my inquiry information on RFQ.Lianfa Bag read my inquiry information at Alibaba.Contacted me through RFQ,and showed me the actual success case.I was attracted by Lianfa Bag and I knew that what I’ve been trying to do .It is been 10years now that I work with suppliers and this was the first time I give a review on Alibaba,Actually,Lianfa Bag deserves a lot more than the 5 strars in my mind.Despite the many clients Lianfa owns.Lianfa Bag gives time to everyone,It goes further than simply selling ites products. Lianfa Bag advised its clients on their choice and bring solutions to probles that we no longer see a way out.Lianfa Bag also helped me purchase other products and help me test the quality of the productes. After placking the big goods,I thought the freight exceeded the budget. Lianfa Bag has the ability to succeed in turning my idears into reality.

David - Amazon shop Owner

The first time I placed an order in Alibaba was in Lianfa.I try-ordered 500pcs 190T bags in Lianfa Bags ,but Lianfa Bag told me the quality of 190T is not good for the bag use,they recommended we used high denisty 210D PU to make the drawstring bag .Authough it was a very small order,Lianfa Bag answered every question I asked seriously and patiently and porvided me with the production that suits me. To my surprise,Lianfa Bag’s products are with very high quality,they has been constantly developing and launching new products.Lianfa’s bag products are very trstworthy.

Leo - CEO of bag wholesaler

I bought the bags from Lianfa Bag for more than 10years. We've had good times working together these years. I remember I searched for the backpack through Alibaba first time,Lian Bag’s backpack is on the first page, the backpack style is my favorite,so I am very interested and inquiry the price at once,to my suprised,they replied me immediately and quickly offered me the price within 2hours. But because I wanted to buy a small number of backpack,which could not go by sea,the shipping cost is too expensive when delivery by air. I gave up buying at that time.A few days later,Lianfa bag call me and told me good news that he helped us to find an express agent to ship the small orders,the shipping cost is much lower than DHL,Fedex or UPS.I am very satisfied with this purchasing.

Kelly - Director of bag distributor
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